Reunions 1 Queen's Reunion Gib 2014

1 Queen's Reunion

Gibraltar - June 2014

welfare flatsFor those not on 1 Queen's Facebook Group, there was a 1 Queen's Reunion in June 2014, following on from the success of last year's.

(There are around three flights a day from the UK at various airports and people can stay for a 4 day break or up to 7 days.)

There are welfare flats available: cost approx £50 PER NIGHT AND SLEEP 6.


Arrive 10 June free day

Wed 11 June Meet and Greet Trafalgar bar 1900 hosted by Stu Streeting, a great pub and great food. 

Thurs 12 June, meet lunch time for the Queens Birthday parade, shirt Regimental tie and slacks, Hosted by Roger Ali QM Gib Regt.

Fri internal Rock tour if enough show interest, PM BBQ location TBC

SAT free day, PM Meet in Spain 1900 Bubas bar just over the Border, Hosted Angela N Stew Streeting a fantastic night looking back at Gibraltar.

Sunday free, departing for most people, Remember Monday is the Bank Holiday in Gibraltar.

There will be items that need to be paid for, mostly the food, numbers depending on the cost.

Flights from Heathrow, Luton Gatwick, and hotels are abundant on the Rock or in Spain over the border.

Queen's Regiment Embroidered Polo Shirts, Hoodies and Regimental Ties / Badges / Lapel Pins etc. are available to order from Semma4 Maidstone, Kent, for those who may require them. (See our PRI page)



Gib 2014

Gib 2014
